
  • Chaos Loves You


    So Let’s Love It Back

    Where are you right now in your life? Do you wake up excited every day? Maybe you have a good life but you want more than just good. Or, maybe you are going through hell and feel no one understands you. Maybe you’re in a place of pain right now, feeling really down and overwhelmed. Don’t you wish sometimes you could just snap your fingers and go back to a time in your life when you felt safe, protected, and had someone who loved you unconditionally? I hear you. Loud and clear. You were meant to find this book. Let’s harness the power of chaos and show you how to use it to live your best life.

  • Inspirational stories from the women who are taking the cyber security industry by storm

    Staying safe online has never been more important with cyber-attacks happening to organisations large and small all over the world daily. Yet there is a huge cyber skills gap shortage, with those who do enter the profession tending to be men. Few women pursue careers in cyber security, but those who do are shattering the glass ceiling and contributing to the safety and security of the internet, our critical national infrastructure (CNI) and our day to day lives. Shockingly, the most recent Global Information Security Workforce study by (ISC)2 found that women in the cyber security profession represent only 10% of the workforce. It is clear that much more needs to be done to attract women to enter the cyber security industry and take up STEM careers in general.“The Rise of the Cyber Women: Volume 2” is a compilation of inspiring stories and interviews with women in the cyber security industry who are pioneers and leading the way in helping to protect the world from the growing cyber threat. It is hoped that this book will feature women in the cyber security industry from all over the world.

  • 25 Home Practices & Tools for Peak Holistic Health & Wellness Are you looking for quick wellness tools that you can apply to your daily life and business? Are you looking for calm and clarity in the middle of a chaotic moment?

    I am excited to announce my first book, The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Volume 3 by Laura Di Franco. I have contributed a very transformational chapter to this work on busting burnout for badass leaders with three quick and effective wellness hacks that you can use anywhere, anytime so you can lead from within.

    Are you ready to transform your life?


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